Your generosity in the service of patients and their families

Helping us today is about working together to defeat MS tomorrow!



Recognized as a public utility, the EDMUS Foundation is entitled to receive donations giving rise to tax reductions. 


your donation will contribute to :

  • Fund and support research, so that patients' living comfort improves.
  • Optimize the progress already made, to overcome MS together in the future.
  • Communicate progress to patients and their families.
  • To allow the Foundation to continue in its fight, to be stronger and recognized, to bring together more and more researchers, scientists, capable of leading this fight together.


How to benefit from the tax reduction?

In France, you can benefit from a 66% reduction up to a maximum of 20% of your taxable income. When donations exceed the above limit, you can carry forward the excess to the next five years. 


The reduction in property wealth tax?

Persons subject to property tax (IFI) benefit from a reduction of up to 75% of the donation, up to a maximum of €50,000. 


  Bequeath and support

To fight multiple sclerosis, to help people who are ill after your death, you can make a bequest to the EDMUS Foundation through a will. A legacy exempt from all inheritance and transfer duties.


 For more information, please contact us